Wednesday 13 May 2015

My Course Reflection


            As I reflect upon the course Educational Technology and all that I have accomplished by doing this course, it helped me as a person to realise how important the use of technology is.  As a result of doing this course, I have gained a better understanding of how I can incorporate the use of technology within my lessons.  There are a number of things that I would say I now have knowledge of doing, which I did not know to some extent that could be done until I started doing Educational Technology.   As for me, this course was somewhat challenging, but with the help of my lecturer I was able to understand what was being taught and benefited tremendously.
The first unit of this course was all about Introduction to Educational Technology. This unit give me an insight as to what the course was all about and the different tools in which one can use in teaching and all the elements that are involved.  The content that was covered in this unit included:  the Introductions, Overview of Course, Computer Terminology, Define Educational Technology, Personal Philosophy and goals for using Technology in Education, Educational Technology Standards (ISTE NETS – Teachers & Students), Selecting and Using Technology (SECTIONS Model), Technology Integration Matrix, Learning environment that facilitates technology integration, Issues regarding equity, access, social, ethical and human issues of using technology in education, Framework for evaluating Educational Technology, Technology Literacy in the Society and the Government regulations and the implications for educational technology.
The second unit which was looked at was the Theoretical Framework of Educational Technology.  This unit involved items about Reflecting on Learning Experiences, Learning Theories, Relationship between learning theory and technology integration and Utilize theoretical models for teaching and learning environment.
The third unit was based on Instructional Planning which involved: Instructional System, Dales Cone of Experience, and Instructional Design Models, ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model. From this unit, a course work was given to design a lesson for teaching based on the use of the assure model and the Dales Cone of Experience.
The fourth unit involved Designing Effective Computer-based Instructional Support Tools which consisted of items such as Instructional Software, Mobile Phones, Desktop Publishing, and Computer-based Digital Storytelling, Podcasts and Interactive PowerPoint.  This unit help to prepare me for what was to come.
The fifth unit was all about Designing Effective Web-based Instructional Support Tools which involved: Text-Based Tools, Blogging, Social Networking, Wiki Tools, Audio/Video Tools, Podcasting/Youtube, Productivity Tools, Google doc/Google drive, Prezi, Webquest – (,Online Content/Learning Objects,  and Websites – Yola&Weebly, Cartoons – Toon doo, Pixton.  This unit also helped me in preparing a Digital Portfolio that was the final piece of assignment that would close off the course.
The sixth unit was based on Assessment with Technology which included: Technology and rubrics, Technology for diagnosis, Technology-based interventions, and Educational technology continuum in the Jamaican Education System (Using technology based on low technology to high technology).
And the seventh and final unit of this course was based on Trends in Educational Technology, which involved: Trends in technology and media – impact on teachers and students, Educational Technology and exceptional students, Communities of practice (COP) and Distance Education.
Overall this course has allowed me to gain on my prior knowledge of Educational Technology and how I can incorporate technology in my classroom and in my profession on a hold to help make what I do more interesting and enjoyable.  Thanks to this course I now can use what I have achieved to help in the teaching and learning process.  I must say this course was one that is of great importance in society today and is one that was worthwhile doing.

My wikispaces


PowerPoint on taxation

Tuesday 12 May 2015

My WebQuest

My WebQuest on Source Document - Sales Invoice

Lesson Plan Assure Model

Lesson Plan Assure Model
Subject:          Principles of Business
Topic:             The Roles of Government
Subtopic:        Taxation
Grade:            Ten (B)
Age Group:    15 to 16 years 
Time:             30 minutes
Date:               March 09, 2015
Analyze Learners
The lesson is organized for students of a 10-grade class. The class has a population of 15 students. There is one (1) male and fourteen (14) females in the class. The students are fascinated about Principles of Business. 80% of the group of students has managed to maintain an average above 75%. The Learning style in the class varies from linguistic to spatial and to bodily/kinesthetic learners. The students’ level of focus during class is very hard to maintain as their attention span is limited. In order to deal with these issues, the lessons must be able to facilitate and accommodate the needs of the students' in order to grab the students’ attention span. Learning styles in this class comprises of different students such as visual to auditory and also kinetic.

Entry competencies
Students should be able to obtain a knowledgeable understanding of Taxation.

Learning Styles:
Students learning styles may vary from visual to auditory and also kinetic learners. In order to ensure that learning takes place with each of the students, each of the learning styles must be considered.  The text that is recommended for this grade is the CXC Principles of Business with SBA, Study Guide & Exercises By Karlene Robinson & Sybile Hamil.
Students will be able to:
1.1  Accurately define the term Taxation after watching and listening to the video.
1.2  Identify the different forms of tax after discussion.
1.3 Explain the two different types of taxes after discussion.
Selected Media, Materials and Methods
Whiteboard: to give a visual display of the lesson and to record students’ responses.
 Projector: will be used to present the power point presentation. 
External speakers: will be used for students to listen to the video.
Computer: This will be used to introduce the topic by the use of video and also to show power point presentations. The version of the power point that is being used is power point (2010) to provide students with information on the definition of taxation, principles of taxation, the different types of tax and the reasons for taxation.
Discussion: to enhance critical thinking and get students involved in the lesson.
Questioning: to get feedback from the students and to test their understanding.
Explanation: will be used to clarify students’ understanding.
Cooperative Learning: to encourage communication and teamwork.
Utilize Media and Material
Preview the Material
The teacher will listen to the clip ensuring that video is functioning properly and the audio and external speakers are functioning properly and clear. The teacher will examine the overhead projector and the computer ensuring their compatibility. 
Prepare the Materials
The teacher will set up the computer and overhead projector before the class start and equipment will then be turned on and tested.
Prepare the Environment
The seating will be arranged so that all students will have a clear view of the projection. The external speakers will be placed at a volume where all students will be able to hear the video clearly. The overhead projector will only be used for the first ten minutes of the lesson where the teacher will deliver her introduction. 

Prepare the Learners
The teacher will inform the students of the activities planned before the class. The students will also be informed of the evaluation exercises that they will be given at the end of the class. By doing this, the students will be comfortable when the class begins.
Provide the Learning Experience
Students will listen to a video after which they will be engaged in a question and answer discussion to formulate a definition for motivation. Students’ responses will be recorded on the board by the teacher. Clarifications will be made if necessary. Students will be allowed to record this in their notebooks.
In addition, the students and teacher will be engaged in a discussion. During the discussion, students will be asked to identify two different ways employees can be motivated in a business organization. The teacher will compare her information by means of a power point presentation with that of the students. Students will be given two minutes to record the information in their notebooks.
As well students and teacher will be engaged in a demonstration showing, how to construct a concept map ,after which they will be asked to draw a concept map showing at least two reasons why it is important  to motivate employees in a business organization. The teacher will compare her information via power point presentation. Clarifications will be made if necessary. Students will then record this in their notebooks.
Require Learners Participation
Students will be placed in three groups. Each group should have a leader who will be a business owner and the others will be the employees. Each group should then discuss how their employer can motivate them to be better workers. A representative from each group will share at least one means of motivation.
Evaluate and Revise

A game will be played whereas each student will pick a strip of paper from a bag and whatever is written on the paper the student will be asked to identify the word and provide an explanation.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Education Technology Essay

Diandrea Clarke

Essay On "Our Brains Extended" by Prensky (2013)

Assignment Sheet
“As a powerful learning tool, technology enhances our capabilities in all domains. Not only can it help in surprising ways with things we still require from the past, such as test preparation, but it's also a sinequa non for many new capabilities, such as database usage.” (Prensky, 2013) 
This assessment task is based on an article entitled “Our Brains Extended” by Prensky (2013). Write a six 3-4 page essay which uses or captures the quotation above and the criteria provided below. N.B. The cover page and reference page are not included in the six 3-4 pages required.
  1. Identify and discuss three (3) of the new subjects Prensky proposes and examine their relevance in the 21st century.
  2. How will this new way of teaching impact traditional pedagogical norms? Explore (1) implication of embracing this new curriculum from the teacher’s perspective.
  3. Describe one (1) implication of instituting this new curriculum from a policy maker’s perspective.
  4. Using relevant examples, give details of three (3) ways in which the teacher could integrate technology in teaching and learning, to aid in enhancing effective: thinking, action, relationships and accomplishments in a current subject area of his/her choice.
Please note that included in the criteria for assessment are evidence of research, use of language and proper referencing using APA. Word limit - 1000 words
Mark Scheme
25 marks
Evidence of Research
2 marks
3 marks
30 marks


     This essay is based on an article entitled “Our Brains Extended” which is written by Prensky (2013).  This article of Prensky involves: new ways of thinking, rethinking the curriculum, technology enhanced learning, new subjects, different ways in which one can teach using technology within the curriculum and new curriculum. These are some of the important points that the article speaks to and how these things can make a difference through the use of technology incorporated in the 21st century.

     The article Prensky (2013) proposes three main subjects which include: Effective Thinking, Effective Action and Effective Relationships.
According to Prensky (2013) Effective Thinking started from the earlier grades with the simple mathematical and logical thinking that focused on flaws such as assuming that something was true because a few examples were given.  Prensky (2013) further stated that, technology was introduced to younger children as a thinking extender in the form of games and illustrative stories that allowed them to learn strategically and to use up their logical thinking in projects using spreadsheet which were mostly web based. It is very important that the effective thinking be incorporated with the use of technology from an early age to students which will allow them to use up their critical thinking skills; problem solving skills and their creative thinking skills which would result in them developing a number of skills that the teacher would introduce with the use of technology.  The effective thinking in the 21st century is important because it helps students to think in a logical way that will further enhance the brain with the use of technology and thus help them for the future that is constantly changing.
     The second subject that was proposed by Prensky (2013) is the Effective Action.  In this subject, students are exposed to hands - on projects that enable them to create and improve their actions while developing their community, as well as their country.   According to Prensky (2013), the Effective Action curriculum would focus on getting students to be proactive, innovative and to be entrepreneurs that develop programs to improve their communities, their country, as well as the world. Over a period of time, these students may explore and take on the task of creating and designing projects that will be of benefit where they see it necessary. Prensky (2013), also states that by giving these students the opportunity to create and perform these actions of doing projects, would be the main focus of this portion of the students’ work.  With the use of effective action in the 21st century, students will be more equipped to take on difficult task using the necessary tools that may be needed to perform the task.  Because of the advancement in technology within the 21st century the involvement of the effective action subject will allow for the students to apply themselves in a number of projects that are being developed within countries which are moving forward with the changes in technology to design and improve infrastructure within a country.  This subject in turn will help with the development of that country through the student’s innovations.
     The third subject that was proposed by Prensky (2013) is the Effective Relationship which is based on helping students to have a high level of communication and collaborative skills that they can interact one on one, in groups and in the society at large.  By the use of effective relationship this helps to teach the students how to communicate better, resolve problems and integrate their own personalities with the personality of others; as a result when these students go out in today’s world it will help them in their communication skills in the working world.  According to Prensky (2013), the effective relationship will produce persons who will better be able to relate to a wide variety of situations because of their communication skills.  The effective relationship in the 21st century is relevant in that in everything there is a need to develop a good relationship in communicating and transferring information from one person to another or groups of persons whether by the use of technology or a face to face interaction.
     All three Subject matters are very much relevant in the 21st century because of the effectiveness that they all include the use of technology. 
     The new way of teaching traditional pedagogical norms will impact both negatively and positively. First the positives of teaching the new way to students is that their work will become easier as well as the work of the teacher in carrying out task and also the learning process will become one that the students will enjoy. This will be as a result of the use of technology that is incorporated to bring across the lesson, which both teachers and students will benefit from this new way of teaching.  It will also enable both the teacher and students to perform at a higher standard then with the old way of teaching; this is because of the enhancement in technology that will allow them to have a vast amount of knowledge, become creative and innovative for the effective and efficient use of technology within the classroom. On the other hand the negatives of the new way of teaching students is that the students will have things easier, not wanting to use up their critical and other thinking skills which will result in them being too laid back at what they do and they will not be able to deal with problems that are more challenging. Because of the constant use of technology in the new way of teaching, the students may not want to use up their brain capacity to think; when there is the use of technology that can do what they need to be done by just the click of a button.                          Furthermore with the use of technology in the teaching and learning process within the classroom can serve as a big distraction to these students as a result learning may be hindered in a different form that is not related to the lesson being taught.
     One implication of embracing the new curriculum from the teacher’s perspective is that the curriculum will be more advanced and it will become hard for the teacher to break it down for students that are academically challenged to understand the content that it entails.  By embracing the new curriculum the teacher will have a lot of work to do in ensuring that the content is understood by all the students with different learning capacity that are exposed to this new curriculum.
      On the other hand one implication of instituting the new curriculum from a policy maker’s perspective which is the Ministry of education; is that it may pose a problem in facilitating the different level of learners within an institution which has to use the curriculum. As a result the policy makers may have to go back to the drawing broad to make necessary adjustments or ensure that this new curriculum facilitate to meet the needs of the different kinds of students within an institution which will be introduced to this new curriculum.
    In the subject area of Business Education three (3) ways in which a teacher could integrate technology in the teaching and learning process to aid in enhancing effective thinking, effective action, effective relationship and effective accomplishments are by:
1.       The use of innovative software’s and strategies to introduce a lesson and that  allows for  the students to effectively think and engage in discussion about the lesson and get them involved in doing activities based on the lesson; whether individually, in groups or in peers to complete.  For example, introducing the students to a blog that requires a discussion on a particular topic which will require the students to think about the topic then, be engaged in a discussion with their classmates that they are expected to complete by the end of the class; after which the students will be asked to give an overview of the lesson and their experience of using the blog.
2.       Giving students a project, for example, to create a layout of a business that will require students to work in groups to use up their thinking skills to be creative and innovative with the use of technology to help them in the enhancement of constructing their project.  By doing this the teacher would have helped to incorporate team work to enhance all four subjects that was proposed by Prensky (2013).
3.       The use of computers within the classroom, the teacher can send work to the students that require them to do it on the computer and email it to the teacher.  For example the teacher set a work for them to create a PowerPoint on the cycle of accounting which they will have to be creative in organizing and presenting the information.  By doing this the teacher would have integrated technology in the teaching and learning process which aids the enhancement of the four subject matters that Prensky (2013-2014) speaks about. 
     Therefore in concluding it can be said that technology is indeed a powerful tool that enhances our capabilities in all domains and is relevant within the 21st century that we are currently living in today.


 Prensky, M. ( 2013, March). Our Brains Extended. Volume 70, Number 6. Technology-Rich Learning Pages 22-27.  Retrieved from:

Prensky, M. (2014, May- June). The World Needs a New Curriculum.

My Philosophy

My Philosophy on Educational Technology

As a teacher in training, I believe that technology plays an important role in helping students to learn.  In this day and age that we are now living in, with the use of technology in teaching a lesson, I firmly believe that the students will  be able to acquire a greater level of understanding of the content when they are able to participant and use the technology; in order to make the lesson interesting and fun.  I believe that using technology within my classroom will enhance the ways in which my students will learn and also save on time, in that, instead of taking up the amount of time writing on the board I can use that time to focus on discussion and feedback from students about the content that is presented with the use of technology.  As technology advances so will the teaching and learning process, it may not be for all students but, there is always some form of electric device that is develop and available to suit the needs of all students with or without disabilities.  As a teacher in training I also believe that before one can disseminate information to their students, the teacher must first know how the information will be presented and in what manner.  The teacher should also be aware of the impact that technology will have in the classroom and what are the expectations of their students as it relates to the use of technology, whether it will have a negative or positive impact on the students.   As a teacher in training I totally agree that with the use of technology within the classroom; this will provide students with new and different types of learning experiences, with the knowledge of all the technology that they are able to use in helping them to achieve greatness, that in the future will be of great advantage to them.